Pan byddo/fyddo f'Arglwydd i mi'n rhoi

(Harddwch, hawddgarwch a gogoniant Crist.)
1,2,(3),4;  1,(2,3).
Pan byddo f'Arglwydd i mi'n rhoi
  Ond golwg ar ei wedd,
Mae'r oll a welir dan yr haul
  Yn ddiddim wrth ei hedd.

Mae ardderchowgrwydd, rhwysg, a grym,
  Y ddaear fawr i gyd,
Wrth deimlo'r gronyn lleia' o'th hedd,
  Oll yn diflanu 'nghyd.

A gwellt yw'r bobl oll o'r bron,
  A gwywo mae eu dawn;
Ac nid oes tegwch a barhâ
  Ond yn fy Iesu'n llawn.

Mi rof f'ymddiried ynddo ef,
  Mae'n noddfa lawn i'r gwan;
Ac er y curo sy arna'i lawr,
  Fe god fy mhen i'r lan.

              - - - - -

Pan byddo f'Arglwydd imi'n rhoi
  Ond golwg arno'i hun,
Mae'r oll a welir dan yr haul
  Yn gwywo bob yr un.

Aed tegwch byd
    a'i gariad ffwrdd,
  A'i swynion aed yn ddim;
Ni wela'i heddyw is y ne'
  Ond tegwch Iesu o rym.

Y mae aroglau pur ei râs
  Megis aroglau'r nef;
Ac nid oes cymhar is yr haul,
  Yn unlle, iddo Ef.

Os edrych wnaf i'r dwyrain draw,
  Os edrych wnaf i'r de,
Ymhlith a fu neu ynte ddaw,
  'Does tebyg iddo fe.

Mae'n denu'm serch
    trwy wyntoedd oer,
  Yn gyfan ato'i hun;
Ac fe ddiffoddodd bob rhyw chwant
  At ddaear, ac at ddyn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Ballerma (François H Barthélémon 1741-1808)
  Llanrwst (<1835)
St Agnes (John Bacchus Dykes 1823-76)
St Leonard (Henry T Smart 1813-79)
Winchester Old (Salmydd Este 1592)

  At wedd dy wyneb nid yw ddim
  'Dyw'n ofni'r bedd 'dwy'n ofni'r groes
  Fe'm siomwyd gan bleserau'r llawr
  Ffoed negeseuau gwag y dydd
  Yr Iesu mawr yw tegwch byd
  Mae yn yr Iesu drysor mwy
  Ni throf fy ŵyneb byth yn ôl
  Os edrych wnaf i'r dwyrain draw
  'Rwy'n ffrynd i'r bedd 'rwy'n ffrynd i'r groes
  Yn nyfnder pob cyfyngder du

(The beauty, handsomeness and glory of Christ.)
When my Lord gives to me
  Only a look on his face,
All that is to be seen under the sun is
  Nothing next to his peace.

All the excellence, ostentation, and force,
  Of the great earth is,
On feeling the least grain of thy peace,
  All disappearing altogether.

And grass are all the people entirely,
  And wilting is their talent;
And there is no fairness that shall endure
  But in my Jesus fully.

I will put my trust in him,
  He is a full refuge to the weak;
And despite the blow which is down upon me,
 He raises my head up.

                - - - - -

When my Lord gives to me
  But a look upon himself,
All that is seen under the sun is
  Withering every one.

Let the fairness of the world
    and its love go away,
  And its enchantments go to nothing;
I see today below heaven nothing
  But the fairness of Jesus of force.

The pure aromas of his grace are
  Like the aromas of heaven;
And there is nothing similar under the sun
  Anywhere, unto Him.

If look I do to yonder east,
  If look I do to the south,
Amongst what was or is to come,
  Is nothing similar to him.

He attracts my affection
    through cold winds,
  Wholly towards himself;
And he extinguished every kind of lust
  Towards the earth, and towards man.
tr. 2015,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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